Bob's 4 Point Plan


Fiscal Responsibility: Stop Wasteful Washington Spending

"Washington cannot continue to spend the way it has. It's time for government to start living within its means and that means cutting wasteful spending."

Bob Gibbs voted to cut $6.2 TRILLION in federal spending and reduce the federal deficit by $4.2 TRILLION over the next 10 years. Gibbs cut his own congressional office budget, returning over $100,000 the first year alone.

Create a Pro-Jobs Climate: Enact Common Sense Regulatory Reforms

"There is a common thread throughout the conversations I have with Ohio businesses -- they can't move forward creating jobs without greater certainty that more costly regulations aren't coming out of Washington."

Bobs Gibbs voted to repeal Obamacare and has continued to fight for legislation that would stop federal agencies from creating rules and regulations on their own with little to no oversight from the American people.

Fix the Tax Code: Permanently Reform the Tax Code for Families and Job Creators

"It is unfair to ask Ohio's hard-working families and job creators for more. In fact, it's time for Washington to give back."

Bob Gibbs is working to create a smarter, simpler tax code that levels the playing field for American businesses, supports job creators, and incentivizes companies to hire American workers.

Homegrown Energy: Responsibly Develop our Domestic Natural Resources

"Ohio is ready to play a major role in supplying the American energy demand, creating jobs and economic impact here at home."

Bob Gibbs knows the shale formation in our area is an example of how America can tap its own resources to become more energy independent while adding tens of thousands of Ohio jobs. Bob also supports the immediate approval of the Keystone Pipeline project, which will increase our oil supply and reduce our reliance on Middle Eastern oil.
